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  • const transformer = {
      fraction: 'Autobots',
      hasOwnProperty() {
        return 'Decepticons!';
    // output: 'Decepticons'
    // output: true
    console.log(Object.hasOwn(transformer, 'hasOwnProperty'));

    August 5th, 2022

    # Check if an object has a specific property

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    A safe way to check if an object has a specific property, is to use Object.hasOwn. It is possible to do the same with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, but the problem is, that the object could have it's own proerty named hasOwnProperty.

  • const decepticons = ['Megatron', 'Starscream', 'Blitzwing'];
    const lastDecepticon =;
    console.log(lastDecepticon); // output: 'Blitzwing'

    August 4th, 2022

    # Negative indexing of arrays

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    To get the last item of an array, we had to write array[array.length-1]. A shorter way is to use the at() method.

  • class Transformer {
      #transform() {
        console.log('Fancy sound! 🎶');
      canTransform() {
        return #transform in this;
    const optimusPrime = new Transformer();
    console.log(optimusPrime.canTransform()); // true

    August 3rd, 2022

    # Private attribute check

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    We can use the in operator to check if an object has a given private property.

  • class transformer {
      name: 'Optimus Prime';
      #previousName: 'Orion Pax'; // private attribute
      rollOut() {
      // private method
      #transform() {

    August 2nd, 2022

    # Private class attributes and methods

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    Until now, the convention was to use the _ for private attributes and methods. However, this had not been able to prevent the abuse.

    To declare a private attribute or method, just put a # in front of it.

  • class Autobot {
      name = 'Optimus Prime';
      fraction = 'Autobots';
    const transformer = new Autobot();
    // output: I am Optimus Prime and leader of the Autobots!
    console.log(`I am ${} and leader of the ${transformer.fraction}!`);

    August 1st, 2022

    # Class attribute declaration

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    In object-oriented programming, class attributes are often declared in the constructors. In JS, no constructor is needed.

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